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Stories of Transformation
Transformation in Almolonga Guatemala

Much talked about, much criticised and much adored.

The story about the Transformation of a city of 18 000 residents in the country of Guatemala become well known through the documentary work of George Otis of the Sentinel Group. The Sentinel Group has been researching and documenting the spiritual, social and economic transformation of communities in many parts of the world. The story of the transformation that took place in Almolonga was recorded in "Transformations," a DVD that was released documenting various other stories of transformation as well. The aim of this page is to invite you to explore with us what happened in Almolonga and is still happening there.

What were the keys of transformation in Almolonga?
A passion for the lost, the alcoholics and the criminals.
20 Years and more of sustained intercession.
A persistent effort to reach the lost.
A committed effort to discipleship.
Strong leadership.

"Almolonga is a village in Guatemala with an encouraging story of transformation. Before being visited by God’s power, it was a place overrun by fear, demons, poverty, idolatry, and drunkenness. The main feature was the alcohol-induced slumber experienced by many of the inhabitants as a result of serving an idol called Maximon. This perverse idol was a figure created to connect with the Guatemalans by highlighting the smoking habits, liquor drinking and immorality of this creation.
God called a humble man, Riscajehe Generated, to fight against the power of darkness found in this village. Because of this man’s obedience, people began to experience the liberation and transforming power of Jesus Christ. It has been reported that 90% of the 18,000 inhabitants surrendered their lives to Christ.
Since the power of God began to transform the community, the crime has had a marked decline. The police chief testified, “Currently, we usually have 20 to 30 people a month in jail.” Before, crowds would gather just to witness the nightly drunken fights. The police chief wouldn't have any rest. Before the community had four prisons and they were not sufficient to accommodate all the prisoners.
Today, things are different. People have changed their attitude; the last prison was closed in 1988. Remodeled and is now called the ‘Hall of Honor,’ which is a place for weddings, receptions and do community events.
In addition to the decline in crime, a great social change has occurred. There is an absence of prostitutes and bars. The former bars have been converted into small shops with new names such as ‘Little Jerusalem’ and ‘Jehovah Jireh.’ Before the intervention of God, most men were alcoholics and their homes were untidy. Neglect and physical abuse were rampant. It was very common for men to beat their wives, sometimes with sticks. Today, there is more communication between families and the abuse has declined. The unemployment, beggars, drunks sleeping on the sidewalk and other negative things have declined significantly due to the transformation experienced in this village.
Also, there has been an economic renewal. A phenomenon has occurred agriculturally in this village. The celery, cauliflower, cabbage, potatoes, carrots, radishes and other vegetables are incredibly larger in size that those grown in the surrounding villages. Agriculturalist from the United States has visited the location to study scientific principles that have allowed the production of better crops. The only logical conclusion is that God has blessed their crops and the farmers of Almolonga. Today, the people are selling vegetables in all of Guatemala, and exporting them to other nations.
The only logical conclusion is that this village has truly experience the transforming power of God. God has transformed the lives of people, the social influences, and the economy of this village."

by Marv Robinson

A testimony from Igreja Cultura De Cristo We are called to pray - "This is a mandate from our Lord Jesus Christ to humble yourself and pray at all times! Prayer is our foundation to everything we do in the Christian life! We want God to heal the land and forgive our sin! For 27 years Almolonga Guatemala has been free of crime, drugs, poverty, and experience the abundance of God in the marketplace! Google Miracle city Almolonga! Our dear friend and father in the Faith of transformation, Dr. Mariana Riscajche from Almolonga, Guatemala has taught us to pray & believe for this Miracle to for us to take a cities & nations for the living God!"
Learn More about Pastor Mariana Riscajche's Church
An Introduction (Entrevista Pastor Mariano Riscajché)
"The city was known as a place of extreme poverty where there were alcoholism, witchcraft, and idolatry. God called us with an audible voice in the year 1974. God began to guide us and give us strategies on how to transform the community of Almolonga. We did not had a building to meet  so we went out to the surrounding hills, did spiritual warfare through prayer and fasting for several days. Coming down from the hills we experienced signs and miracles through revelations, resurrections, and conversions. God manifested in a wonderful way.

After the manifestation of God's presence, there was an unprecedented revival. Individuals and families were touched and transformed by the power of God, the miracles of healing and deliverance began the massive shift from what is now called "The City Miracle. "
- Pastor Mariano Riscajch

The Sentinel Group
Transformations - A Documentary

Almolonga - A Background Documentary by the Local Municipality
Almolonga es un municipio escogida por DIOS y un fértil valle en el departamento de Quetzaltenango, Guatemala. Es conocido por el cultivo industrializado de Hortalizas que abastecen el mercado nacional, y que tienen una gran demanda en diversos lugares.  lmolonga is located in the department of Quetzaltenango, Guatemala Central America, just a 30 minute flight from La Aurora International Airport and approximately 3.5 hours by land from the city of Guatemala.


5 Ingredients for Transformation by Dr John Benefiel
(Oklahoma City)
1. Persevering Leadership
2. Fervent United Prayer
3. Social Reconciliation
4.Public Power Encounters (Public Services)
5. Diagnostic Research (Spiritual Mapping)

A Balanced View 
Protestant Ethic and Prosperity: Vegetable Production in Almolonga, Guatemala (ACADEMIA)
Religion and Economic Prosperity: A case study (in Guatemala) (UDADISI)

A Scientific View
The Impacts of Volcanoes on Guatemala and its People (Jnl of Undergraduate Research)

A Tourists View
Almolonga Volcano